We are a collective made up of Indigenous people, undocumented migrant relatives, womxn, femmes, LGBTQ2Spirit relatives, volunteers, community organizers, fronline workers, land defenders/water protectors who are stepping to support the ones who need it most in many ways: Indigenous mutual aid, food and water radical redistribution for the most vulnerable, pet/cattle food distribution during this pandemic, etc. We are asking for support and solidarity not just during this Covid 19 pandemic but to use this to focus on long term support and solutions to heal our land of all the damage caused by the fossil fuel industry and by many years of extreme resource extraction, building self sustainable projects for our people, seed and food justice/sovereignty, that is our goal, our vision.
Org Type
Who do you serve?
Native Communities
Navajo Nation, Northern Navajo
Service Area Normalized
Navajo Nation Reservation
Have These Resources to Give to Their Communities
food, water, pet food, cattle food, etc.